San Antonio's Ford Model T club with
members across South Texas and beyond.
Founded in 1975
As you can see in the "S. Texas Model T Registry" linked on the right, there are at least 170 Model Ts in South Texas, and more seem to emerge every month, which is very exciting. Every time we come across a "new" one, it's a good day! Ford Model Ts can be found across the region, in towns such as Atascosa, Boerne, Castroville, Cibolo, Converse, Corpus Christi, Devine, Floresville, Garden Ridge, Georgetown, Helotes, Lake Hills, Laredo, Lockhart, New Braunfels, Pleasanton, San Angelo, San Marcos, Schertz, Schulenburg, Seguin, Spring Branch and Uvalde and, of course, San Antonio.
Helping to keep the Model T community in contact with each other for fellowship, fun activities and technical assistance is the "T Fords of Texas." The club was formed in 1975 and has around 50 family memberships. The club holds quarterly meetings but its main goal is to hold at least one fun activity every month, such as a local cruise, a longer distance tour or a car show. The club also gets invited to any number of events as well. Check out the club;s schedule and come visit us at our next planned activity. You will find the "where and when" on the "Model T Event Calendar" on the list of pages on the right had side column.
You will find below just a few snap shots of Model T related activities. If you like what you see, scope through other pages on this site. Check out the list of upcoming events and come visit us at our next planned activity. You will find the "where and when" on the "Model T Event Calendar" on the list of pages on the right had side column. The club does not have an official mailing address or phone number. The best way to contact the "T Ford of Texas" is through the "Contact Us" link on this site.
Meetings and Technical Sessions

T owner meeting in 2008

T owner meeting in 2012

T owners during a club technical session
Ford Model T owners in San Antonio are not big on meetings! We only schedule four actual "T Fords of Texas" meetings a year. We just prefer to drive their Ts than discuss points of order. The club tries to have at least one organized club activity every month and simply squeeze in a quick get together at the beginning to pass on information that is important and make decisions if needed.
Annual Ford Model T Show
San Antonio Ford Model T Show at the Texas Transportation Museum, 2008

Annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show held at the Texas Transportation Museum

Annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show held at the Texas Transportation Museum
Sonny House scopes out Darrell Vanderford's Model T during the annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show held at the Texas Transportation Museum

T owners congregate in the parking lot of the Pig Stand on Broadway during a downtown San Antonio cruise during the annual Ford Model T Show

TFOT members congregate in the parking lot of the Pig Stand on Broadway during a downtown San Antonio cruise during our annual Ford Model T Show
Clint Bitterly and Gary Bethke on Alamo Plaza during the downtown cruise during the annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show
The annual "San Antonio Ford Model T Show" at the Texas Transportation Museum is the biggest annual gathering of Model Ts in the region. It is usually held in early May. You can find the date of the next show on the right. Thanks to the sponsorship of the Red McCombs Automotive Group admission to both the Model T Show and the entire museum, including parking and train rides, is free. The event usually attracts over thirty Model Ts of every conceivable type. Click the links on the right for images of all the Ts from previous shows.

T owners gather before a tour of San Antonio's historic Missions

T owners during a cruise to Guadalupe River State Park

T owners congregate at a Model T at an event at the Shooting Star museum near Castroville

T owners and their Model Ts at club tour of Medina County

T owners congregate at a log cabin near Castroville during a club tour of Medina County

T owners on the move near Castroville during a tour of Medina County

NPS Ranger Case Griffing provides history to Model T owners at Mission San Juan, San Antonio
Touring or cruising is a favorite activity. It's great to go places together and it's fun for the people we meet along the way, too. Tom Campbell of Castroville leads a tour of Medina County every year and its always a lot of fun. Lockhart member George "Sonny" House has lead a tour of Caldwell County and we are looking forward to doing that again soon. Skip Wheeler leads a tour to Canyon Lake in the fall. There is usually a tour of San Antonio's historic missions every year. Shorter, almost spontaneous runs are arranged as the mood hits. The BBQ joint in New Berlin is always popular. Not too far away and it gets us out of the city and away from its not always Model T friendly streets.
Car Shows

T owners with their trophies including "Best Group Participation" at a Shriner charity car show in San Antonio
You will probably find a Ford Model T owner with his or her T at just about all the major car shows and show'n'shines that happen with such frequency in San Antonio and surrounding towns. T owners take part in a lot of charity events as well. T owners love to meet new people and chat about thew wonderful Model T.
Other Activities

Model T owners during the theatrical premiere of the PBS documentary "El Camino Olive Trails" which featured several Model Ts.

T owners during the theatrical premiere of the PBS documentary "El Camino Olive Trails" which featured the several Model Ts

Hugh Hemphill and Anton Hajek at the Tejeda Middle School History Faire

Bob Dale and George Wilson at the Pre-WWII Swap Meet in Chickasa, Oklahoma
Over the past few years T owner groups have visited a number of state parks, and even taken part in a couple of movies. They take part in the Tejeda Middle School History Faire and have even been known to take Model Ts to schools so students can get a "hands on" experience of how old cars look, operate and sound. T owners get approached about participating in any number of events. They can't always do them all as a group but if it is car related, chances are you will find one or two taking part.