Ford Model T and Model A Tours of
San Antonio's Historic Missions

Ford Model Ts at Mission Espada, 2009
How the automobile saved San Antonio's Historic Missions
By the early 1900s, San Antonio's four historic missions, Concepcion, San Jose, San Juan and Espada, had long been abandoned. The buildings were in ruins. Roofs and supporting walls had collapsed, their construction materials purloined by anyone and everyone. Into this scene of neglect came early San Antonio motorists. These early leisure travelers, mostly comprised of San Antonio's more wealthy citizens, with the freedom of movement bestowed by the automobile, were appalled by what they found. They decided to act to save what was left of the sites. They button holed as many San Antonio movers and shakers, and brought them out to see the locations in their own vehicles at every opportunity. Their plan worked. Efforts were started to save what was left and restore, with historically accurate construction techniques using, often, the original materials that were lying in heaps all around, leading to the rebirth of the missions as culturally significant sites that continue to gain wider and wider recognition.
Historic Images of automobiles at San Antonio's Historic Missions

Early automobile at Mission San Jose, 1908

Ford Model T at Mission San Jose, San Antonio

Early automobiles at Mission San Jose, San Antonio

Early Cadillac at Mission Concepcion, San Antonio

Early busesat Mission San Jose, San Antonio

Early Cadillac at Mission Concepcion, San Antonio

Car at Mission San Jose, 1919, San Antonio

Cars at Mission San Jose, San Antonio
To celebrate the essential role played by the automobile in rediscovering and saving San Antonio's missions - see more below - the T Fords of Texas has organized many annual tours of these fascinating and historically significant historic sites. Click the thumbnails below for pictures over the years.
Click image to visit the "2023 San Antonio Missions Tour"
page with images of this year's event
Click image to visit the "2022 San Antonio Missions Tour"
page with images of this year's event
Click image to visit the 2019 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2018 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2017 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2016 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2015 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2014 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2013 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2012 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2010 Mission Tour page
Click image to visit the 2009 Mission Tour page