While Model Ts are not the most frequent antique vehicles to be seen in San Antonio's major Fiesta parades, the "Battle of Flowers," the "King William" and the "Flambeau," one or two intrepid owners do brave the rigors of these events. Model Ts, which are not ideally suited for parade work, lacking both water and oil pumps. Ts really need to be going at least 10 MPH to get enough cooling breeze through the radiator. In parades you rarely exceed 2 MPH, and there is a lot of starting and stopping, which only adds to the potential for over-heating. Here are a few snaps of Model Ts in Fiesta parades nonetheless. Some TFOT members are more willing than others to take the risk and do surprisingly well as you can see below.

Ford Model T waiting to be decoorated at the "Battle of Flowers

Decorated Ford Model T at the "Battle of Flowers"

Decorated Ford Model T at the "Battle of Flowers"

Decorated Ford Model T at the "Battle of Flowers"

Ronnie Bitterly at the "Battle of Flowers"

Joey Groff and his caliope fitted Ford Model T truck at the "Battle of Flowers"

TFOT president Danile Bratcher at the "king William" parade

Joey Groff's illuminated Ford Model T truck at the "Flambea" parade

1924 Ford Model T truck towing a trailer for the San Antonio Special Olympics team at the "Flambeau" parade

Ronnie during the 2012 Battle of Flowers parade

Laura learning to drive Joey Goff's TT truck during the 2012 Battle of Flowers parade

Ronnie Bitterly during the 2013 Battle of Flowers Fiesta parade
Ronnie Bitterly as the 'Great Wizard of Oz' in the "Battle of Flowers" Fiesta parade, April 2014
Homer and Carolyn Holland in the "King William" Fiesta parade, April 2014
Joey Groff in the "King William" Fiesta parade, April 2014. Joey and wife, Molly, were also in the Battle of Flowers and Flambeau parades. Their 1924 TT was one of only two vehicles to participate in all three major Fiest parades in 2014.

1924 Pearl Brewery C cab TT at the 2016 "Battle of Flowers" Fiest parade in San Antonio