Ronnie and Laura, and one of their sons, Clint, who has his own"member Spotlight" page, are some of the most active members of the San Antonio Model T club. Together they now have two working Model Ts and two works in progress, the most recent being pulled out of a field after sitting for at least twenty years. Life long residents of San Antonio, they own and operate a thriving Air-Conditioning business which they advertise on the side of their 23 Runabout, which was the first T they acquired, in 2002. This is most often driven by Clint. Ronnie and Laura take the 1917, which among many other achievements, is quite capable of withstanding the hardships involved in taking part in the Battle of Flowers, one of the highlights of Fiesta. Their 1914 is a "barn fresh" all original Model T. They intend to keep it that way, including its hand crank starter. The 23 was more of a whim. They might turn it into a dirt racer, but this has yet to be decided.
Having been in the city and the A/C business for so long, it's amazing how many people Ronnie knows. Wherever he goes, he seems to bump into people with whom he has more than a passing acquaintance. It's absolutely uncanny. They joined TFOT in 2006 when they managed to track down club president Daniel Bratcher for some assistance with the newly acquired 1917. They all took part in the club's first annual Model T show in 2007 and everyone since then. They help out the club whenever they can. They have hosted two technical sessions at their spacious and clean workshop on Ackerman Road, which has the added benefit, of course, of excellent heat and air conditioning. They are the nicest people, the kind everyone is happy to know.

Ronnie Bitterly giving rides in his 1917 Model T touring car at the San Antonio Ford Model T show at the Texas Transportation Museum in San Antonio

Ronnie Bitterly and his 1917 Model T touring car at "battle of Flowers" fiesta parade

Ronnie Bitterly in his 1917 Model T touring car at the Alamo

Ronnie Bitterly in his 1917 Model T touring car at the San Antonio Ford Model T show at the Alamo

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and their 1917 Model T touring car at the Texas T Party in Palo Duro Canyon

Ronnie Bitterly re-installing the engine on his 1923 Ford Model T runabout

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and their 1917 Model T touring car at the Texas T Party in Bastrop

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and friends in their 1917 Model T touring car at the TFOT tour of Uvalde

Ronnie and son Clint and their field fresh 1914 Model T runabout

Ronnie, Laura and their four sons at the Texas Transportation Museum

Ronnie and his dad, Charles, known as "C.B." during the 2012 TFOT Medina County tour

Ronnie and Laura during the 2012 TFOT Medina County tour

Laura Bitterly with a souvenir of the D'Hanis brick works during the 4th annual Medina County tour

Ronnie during the 2012 Battle of Flowers parade

Laura learning to drive Joey Goff's TT truck during the 2012 Battle of Flowers parade

Laura learning to drive Joey Goff's TT truck during the 2012 Battle of Flowers parade

Ronnie and Laura during the 2013 TFOT "On & Off Fredericksburg Road Art Gallery" tour

Ronnie Bitterly during the 2013 San Antonio Ford Model T Show's downtown cruise

Ronnie Bitterly during the 2013 San Antonio Ford Model T Show's downtown cruise

Ronnie Bitterly on Alamo Plaza during the 2013 San Antonio Ford Model T Show's downtown cruise

Ronnie Bitterly during the 2013 Battle of Flowers Fiesta parade

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly during the 2013 TFOT Wilson County Tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly during the 2013 TFOT Corpus Christi Tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly during the 2014 Fredericksburg Road Art Gallery Tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with son Clint outside the family business, "Central Air-Conditioning," at the start of the TFOT Spring Tour, April 2014
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly during the TFOT Spring Tour, April 2014

Ronnie Bitterly during the 2014 Battle of Flowers Fiesta parade. This entry took first prize for the third year in a row.

Ronnie Bitterly with his 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2014 Shriner Car Show

Ronnie Bitterly accepting an award for his 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2014 Shriner Car Show

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2014 tour of San Antonio's historic missions

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2014 tour of San Antonio's historic missions

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2014 tour of San Antonio's historic missions

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2014 tour of San Antonio's historic missions

Radiator cap on Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2014 tour of San Antonio's historic missions

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2014 Texas T Party in San Angelo

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2014 Texas T Party in San Angelo

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the Fall 2014 Kingsbury Aerodrome antique aircraft fly-in

Ronnie Bitterly in his 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the February 2015 club tour

Ronnie Bitterly in his 1917 Ford Model T touring car on Alamo Plaza during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Ronnie Bitterly in his 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the Alamo during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Ronnie Bitterly in his 1917 Ford Model T touring car on Alamo Plaza during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Ronnie Bitterly with his 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Ronnie Bitterly giving rides to visitors in his 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at John Wayne's replica Alamo during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car in the rain during the 2015 Texas coast tour based in Rockport, November 2015

Ronnie Bitterly hand cranking his 1917 Ford Model T touring car in the rain during the 2015 Texas coast tour based in Rockport, November 2015

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the Canyon Lake tour, November 2015

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the Canyon Lake tour, November 2015

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the Canyon Lake tour, November 2015

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly and "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at Woodlawn Lake, February 2016

Ronnie Bitterly in "Clara," his 1917 Ford Model T touring car at Woodlawn Lake, February 2017

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during a tour in Seguin, March 2016

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at their cabin on Fountain Lake during a tour in Seguin, March 2016

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during a tour in Seguin, March 2016

Ronnie Bitterly with "Clara," his 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the Wilson County tour, April 2016

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in "Clara," his 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the Wilson County tour, April 2016

Ronnie Bitterly with "Clara," his 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2016 Battle of Flowers parade

Ronnie & Laura Bitterly with Laura's father, Sonny, with "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2016 Shriner charity car show

Ronnie Bitterly winning an award for "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the 2016 Shriner charity car show

Ronnie Bitterly working with Daniel Bratcher on the engone of "Clara," his 1917 Ford Model T touring car, September 2016

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2016 Texas T party

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during the 2016 Texas T party

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during a club tour, November 2016

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with their son, Clint, on the left, with "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during a club tour, November 20016

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in "Clara," their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during a club tour, November 2016

Ronnie Bitterly's 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the Texas Transportation Museum, December 2016

Ronnie Bitterly's 1917 Ford Model T touring car at the Texas Transportation Museum, December 2016

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during a club tour, January 2017

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T touring car during a club tour, January 2017

Ronnie Bitterly decorating his 1917 Ford Model T before the 2017 Battle of Flowers parade

Ronnie Bitterly with his passengers and his 1917 Ford Model T before the 2017 Battle of Flowers parade

Ronnie Bitterly giving rides to visitors in his 1917 Ford Model T during the 2017 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

John Olfers and Joni SMith, friends of Ronnie Bitterly in Ronnie's 1917 Ford Model T during the 2017 Texas T Party

John Olfers and Joni SMith, friends of Ronnie Bitterly in Ronnie's 1917 Ford Model T during the 2017 Texas T Party

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T during the 2018 wine tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1917 Ford Model T during the 2018 wine tour

Ronnie Bitterly with his 1917 Ford Model T during the Fall Shriner Car Show, October 2019

Ronnie & Laura Bitterly, and friend, in their 1917 Ford Model T during the Hot Wells Hotel & Spa ruins fundraiser, October 2019
In August 2017, Ronnie and Laura augmented their fleet of Ts with a 1926 Ford Model T touring car which they have named "Eleanor." Its first public outing was the 2017 Missions Tour.

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their newly acquired 1926 Ford Model T touring car, Eleanor, during the 2017 Missions tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their newly acquired 1926 Ford Model T touring car, Eleanor, during the 2017 Missions tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with their 1926 Ford Model T touring car, Eleanor, during the 2017 Texas T Party

Ronnie Bitterly in his 1926 Ford Model T touring car, Eleanor, during the 2017 Texas T Party

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1926 Ford Model T touring car, Eleanor, during the 2017 Texas T Party
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with their 1926 Ford Model T touring car, Eleanor, in Luckenbach during the 2017 Texas T Party
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with their 1926 Ford Model T touring car on the way to the 2017 Boerne Christmas parade
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with friends in their 1926 Ford Model T touring car in the 2017 Boerne Christmas parade
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their 1926 Ford Model T touring car at a San Antonio T club gathering, December 2017
Ronnie Bitterly's 1926 Ford Model T touring car winning first place in the 2018 Battle of Flowers parade
Ronnie Bitterly's 1926 Ford Model T touring car winning a prize at the 2018 Sgriner car show
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with 1926 Ford Model T touring car at Mission Espada, August 2018
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with 1926 Ford Model T touring car at the 2018 Texas T Party
Ronnie and Laura Bitterly with 1926 Ford Model T touring car at the 2018 Texas T Party
Ronnie Bitterly with his 1926 Ford Model T touring car, November 2018
Laura and Ronnie Bitterly with his 1926 Ford Model T touring car before the 2018 Boerne Christmas parade
Laura and Ronnie Bitterly in their 1926 Ford Model T touring car during the 2019 Texas T Party
Ronnie Bitterly with his 1926 Ford Model T touring car during the 2019 Texas T Party
Ronnie & Laura Bitterly in their 1926 Ford Model T touring car during the Old Spanish Trail Motorcade, November 2019
Ronnie & Laura Bitterly in their 1926 Ford Model T touring car during the Fall Foliage Tour, November 2019
Ronnie Bitterly with his 1926 Ford Model T touring car during the Big Bend tiur, February 2020
Ronnie & Laura Bitterly's 1926 Ford Model T touring car during Big Bend tour, February 2020
Ronnie & Laura Bitterly's 1926 Ford Model T touring car at the Fulton mansion during the 2021 Rockport tour
In October 1922, Ronnie and Laura added another Model T - a 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, often called a "Doctor's Coupe." Its first public outing was the October 2020 Fall Foliage tour, joust one day after it arrived from out of state.

Ronnie Bitterly in his newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly in their newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's newly acquired 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's newly acquired 1926 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Fall Foliage tour, October 2020

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the Hill Country tour, February 2021

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the February 2022 Mission's tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the February 2022 Mission's tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the February 2022 Mission's tour

Ronnie and Laura Bitterly's 1922 Ford Model T tall coupe, "Doc", during the February 2022 Mission's tour