T Fords of Texas Member June Prade
San Antonio
1924 Ford Model T Touring Car
June is very much the "Grande Dame" of the T Fords of Texas. She was there when the club was started in 1975 and still keeps a steely eye on our proceedings, to make sure we keep the faith properly. June is one of the reasons there are still Model Ts around for folks to enjoy in 2012. One of her fondest memories is riding around her grandfather's ranch in his old Model T. She was devastated when her grandmother felt obliged to sell it to keep him from driving it after he lost his vision at a very advanced age. She was telling this story to some friends not long after she got married and, to her surprise and delight, a gentleman present, one of the Oppenheimers, said he had an old Model T she could have if she wanted it. June was mad, however, when her husband decided he had to drive it back to their property, and she lost no time in teaching herself how to drive it herself.

June Prade - at the wheel - and her sister at the Sticky Wickets charity event at the Red Berry mansion in San Antonio
June Prade and her 1924 Ford Model T touring car at the San Antonio Ford Model T Show at the Texas Transportation Museum

June Prade in her 1924 Ford Model T touring car at the Alamo

June Prade at the wheel of her 1924 Ford Model T touring car with Marie Roy on a Model T tour of downtown San Antonio

June Prade sheltering from the rain in her 1924 Ford Model T touring car with Mike Mackechney just outside, talking with a staff member during a visit to an old folks home, September 2014

June Prade with Mike Mackechney in Mike's 26 T during the 2014 Canyon Lake tour

June Prade with George House during the 2017 San Antonio Ford Model T Show
June has now owned the car for over fifty years. She and her husband, who regrettably passed away a few years ago, restored the vehicle to better than new condition. Their car was the first all black, non brass T to win first prize at a national Model T show. June hand made the upholstery, roof and side curtains herself, and crafted a nifty wind breaker to protect the car when it was on a a trailer to boot. June has held every position there is in the "T Fords of Texas." She is proud of the club newsletter she produced, recognizing how valuable it is to the health of the club. To this day she hosts club meetings at her house and takes part in quite a few club activities, especially our annual show. She is delighted that the club is doing so well these days, and even though she has to keep us in line once in a while, she is loved and respected by everyone in the club. We know we would not be here without her.
A few snaps from June's collection

The Prade's 1924 Ford Model T at the 1977 Antiue Automobile Club of America, New Orleans, 1977

June and Earl acept an award from Veteran Motor Car Club of America president John Brower (center) at the VMCCA national meet in 1983

The Prade's 1924 Ford Model T in pride of place at the Antique Automobile Club of America national meet in Iowa in 1981. The Prade's was the first "Black" T to win first place. Until then it had always been a "brass" car.

Earl Prade in his 1924 Ford Model T

1924 Ford Model T belonging from Earl and June Prade

1924 Ford Model T belonging from Earl and June Prade

June Prade hand made the roof on their 1924 Ford Model T

June Prade hand made the roof on their 1924 Ford Model T

June Prade attaching the side curtain, which she also made, on her 1924 Ford Model T

June Prade beside her 1924 Ford Model T

June Prade beside her 1924 Ford Model T

June Prade in her 1924 Ford Model T

June Prade's 1924 Ford Model T at the Camp Verde store, 2007

The Prade's 1924 Ford Model T at the Waring Store, 2007