Published by the T Fords of Texas, San Antonio

T Fords of Texas Member Jay Korus

San Antonio
1924 Ford Model T Ruabout

Jay Korus spent decades as a welder in the Texas oil fieldsbefore setting up as a welder and general purpose heacy equipment repairman on some property near Pleasnaton. Among his many interests, Jay was attracted to the ruggesd simplicity of the Ford Model T. While he is painstakingly restoring, almost from scratch, a TT truck, he acquired a fun 1926 runabout hat he enjoys driving around the quiet Atascosa country roads.

Jay Korus with his 1926 Ford Model T runabout at the 2021 San Antonio Ford Model T Show
1926 Ford Model T runabout belonging to Jay Korus at the 2021 San Antonio Ford Model T Show
Jay Korus giving a ride to a visitor in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout at the 2021 San Antonio Ford Model T Show
1926 Ford Model T runabout belonging to Jay Korus, November 2020
1926 Ford Model T runabout belonging to Jay Korus, November 2020
1926 Ford Model T runabout belonging to Jay Korus, November 2020


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Published by the T Fords of Texas, San Antonio's Ford Model T Club