Homer and Carolyn Holland purchased and restored this 1926 Ford Model T truck to promotef their Guacamaya Tamales business. While they no longer own the business, they kept the wonderful little truck.

Homer with his newly acquired 1926 Ford Model T huckster truck

Homer and Carolyn Holland with their 1926 Model T truck which they use in their Guacamaya Tamales business

Homer aHolland and his 1926 Model T truck which they use in his Guacamaya Tamales business

Homer and Carolyn Holland's 1926 Model T truck busy helping their Guacamaya Tamales business

Homer Holland with the Guacamaya Tamales staff with his 1926 Model T truck at the 2013 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Homer Holland driving his 1926 Model T truck at the 2013 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Homer Holland driving his 1926 Model T truck during the 2013 tour of San Antonio's historic Missions

Homer Holland serving food from his 1926 Model T huckster truck during the 8th Annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show, March 2014

Homer Holland driving his 1926 Model T huckster truck during the 8th Annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show, March 2014

Homer and Carolyn Holland with their 1926 Model T huckster truck during the April 2014 "King William" Fiesta parade

Homer and Carolyn Holland in their 1926 Model T huckster truck during the April 2014 "King William" Fiesta parade

Homer Holland with friends at the 2014 Cinqo de Mayo parade in Martindale, TX

Homer Holland in his 1926 Model T huckster truck during the spring 2014 'fly-in' at the Pioneer Flight Museum, Kingsbury Aerodrome

Homer Holland's 1926 Model T huckster truck during the spring 2014 'fly-in' at the Pioneer Flight Museum, Kingsbury Aerodrome

Homer Holland's winning a trophy for his 1926 Model T huckster truck at the "Dare To Love" charity car show at Northside Ford, June 2014

Homer Holland's in his 1926 Model T huckster truck at the "Dare To Love" charity car show at Northside Ford, June 2014

Homer Holland's decorating his 1926 Model T huckster truck at the 2014 4th of July parade in Castroville

Homer Holland and friend with his 1926 Model T huckster truck at the 2015 TFOT spring tour

Carolyn and Homer Holland with their 1926 Model T huckster truck at the 2015 Castroville 4th of July parade

Carolyn and Homer Holland in their 1926 Model T huckster truck on Alamo Plaza during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Carolyn and Homer Holland in their 1926 Model T huckster truck at the Alamo during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Carolyn and Homer Holland in their 1926 Model T huckster truck on Alamo Plaza during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Homer Holland with his 1926 Model T huckster truck during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Homer and Carolyn Holland and their dog in their 1926 Model T huckster truck prior to the 2017 Boerne Christmas parade

Homer and Carolyn Holland and their dog in their 1926 Model T huckster truck on he way to the 2017 Boerne Christmas parade

Homer and Carolyn Holland and their dog in their 1926 Model T huckster truck during the 2017 Boerne Christmas parade
While Homer and Carolyn mainly use their huckster truck for parades, they found it a little exposed and top heavy for longer distnace driving. having discovered the fun of touring in Model Ts, they resolved this issue by acquiring this 1927 Ford Model T Tudor sedan which they have named "June Bug."

Homer Holland's his 1927 Model T Tudor during the 2013 tour of Corpus Christi

Homer Holland driving his 1927 Model T Tudor during the 2013 tour of Corpus Christi

Homer Holland driving his 1927 Model T Tudor, May 2014

Homer Holland's 1927 Model T Tudor, May 2014

Homer Holland's 1927 Model T Tudor, May 2014

Homer Holland's 1927 Model T Tudor, May 2014

"June Bug," Homer Holland's 1927 Model T Tudor prepped for a 4th of July parade, 2014

Homer Holland in 1927 Model T Tudor during the 2015 Blue Skies 4th of July parade

Homer Holland with his 1926 Model T Tudor at the 2015 Castroville 4th of July parade

Homer Holland and friends in his 1926 Model T Tudor during a Rockport based coastal tour, November 2015

Homer and Carolyn Holland and friends with their 1926 Model T Tudor during a Rockport based coastal tour, November 2015

Homer Holland and friends in his 1926 Model T Tudor during a Rockport based coastal tour, November 2015