George, whom everyone calls Sonny, is not your typical retired army colonel. His collection of Model Ts runs to almost ten, most in various stages of disassembly in his large work shop that features the removed frontage from a nearby commercial garage and a gasoline powered ice cream maker. To add to the picture, George also plays the tuba in a successful "Oompah" band, keeping German culture alive across the region. Since he joined the club a few years ago, George has lead a tour of Caldwell County. You can see a few snaps on the 2010 activity page. A great day was had by all, some wonderful roads were driven and amazing BBQ consumed. Add in lovely weather and a dazzling display of spring wild flowers and you have a Model T tour worth repeating over and over.

George "Sonny" House and his 1914 Model T runabout at the Caldwell County tour he hosted

George "Sonny" House with a running Model T project at the Guadalupe County tour

George "Sonny" House and his 1914 Model T runabout at the San Antonio Ford Model T Show at the Texas Transportation Museum

George "Sonny" House polishing his 1914 Model T runabout at the 2011 Texas T Party in Bastrop

George "Sonny" House with his 1919 Model T center door at the 2012 Texas T Party in College Station

George "Sonny" House with his 1914 Model T runabout at the 2014 Texas T Party in San Angelo

George "Sonny" House with his 1914 Model T runabout at the 2014 Texas T Party in San Angelo

George "Sonny" House with June Prade at the 2017 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

George "Sonny" House giving rides to visitors in his Ford Model TT C cab truck during the 2017 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

1919 Ford Model T centerdoor belonging to George "Sonny" House in a Shiner Beer commercial, August 2017

1919 Ford Model T centerdoor and a Ford Model A pick-up belonging to George "Sonny" House in a Shiner Beer commercial, August 2017

George "Sonny" House and his wife, Stephanie, with his 1926 Ford Model T during the Texas T party, October 2017

George "Sonny" House and his wife, Stepanie, in his 1926 Ford Model T during the Texas T party, October 2017

George "Sonny" House and his wife, Stepanie, in his 1926 Ford Model T during the Victoria Tour in March 2018

George "Sonny" House with his Ford Model TT truck before the Battle of Flowers parade, April 2018

George "Sonny" House with his Ford Model TT truck before the Battle of Flowers parade, April 2018

George "Sonny" House with his 1926 Ford Model T at the 2018 Texas T Party

George "Sonny" House with his 1914 Ford Model T at the 2019 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

George "Sonny" House and his wife, Stephanie, in their 1919 Frd Model T center door sedan during the 2021 Rockport tour