Daniel Bratcher was president of the T Fords of Texas between 2005 and 2015. He was introduced to Model Ts by his godfather, Pete Reinthaler at the age of 11. At 14, he was deemed old enough to visit him in Houston by himself, traveling by Greyhound bus. Pete would take him to swap meets and to the annual "Texas T Party." It was not until his early 30s that he embarked upon having a Model T of his own, when Pete gave him the frame and body - in parts, for a 1926 open tourer. Completing the project actually took eleven years. Daniels's partner in crime in this endeavor was Mike Mackechney. The two had met in the 6th grade. They played in the Lee High School band together and have stayed the best of friends ever since.
When Daniel took over as TFOT president in 2005, the club had dwindled to just a few members. However, armed with an engaging personality that seems to draw people to him, Daniel was able to completely turn around the club, which began to attract a whole generation of new members. The big turning point was holding a Ford Model T Show in the fall of 2007 on the grounds of the Texas Transportation Museum in San Antonio. There were sixteen Ts present, but the show gained a lot of media attention, and the following year, which happened to be the 100th anniversary of the Model T, there were over 40 Ts, of all kinds, in attendance. The club currently has around 70 members, and our registry of remaining Ts in South Texas now lists over 100 vehicles.
Another “secret” to Daniel success as club president is his enthusiasm for activity as opposed to club formalities. “Keep the meetings short so we can drive more,” might be his motto. Probably the big game changer was the first “San Antonio Model T Show,” held at the Texas Transportation Museum in 2007. Although it only attracted sixteen Ts, it got the club into the spotlight and pretty soon TFOT was booming. The list of places we have toured, and other activities we have participated in, is the envy of many other clubs in the area.
Daniel is pretty quick to point out that he is not solely responsible for this dramatic improvement. His skill is in making contact with people who are interested in Model Ts, and inviting them to one of our meetings or events. But it’s up to the club to make them feel welcome. His father, Everett, a noted surgeon, says that while Daniel may have entered many a room as a stranger, he has never left one. Without any seeming effort on his part, Daniel puts people at ease and allows them space to join in at their own pace.
Outside of Model Ts, Daniel earned a degree in horticulture. While working as head grounds keeper at a local golf course, Daniel and his brother, David, decided to take over “Daisy Tours,” the very successful charter bus company founded by their mother, June. They have a simple division of duties: David does the books and Daniel runs the buses. He is a member of a number of other organizations and was able to travel with the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce to China in 2011 for a huge trade fair that also allowed for a certain amount of sightseeing.

Daniel Bratcher, TFOT president, giving a ride in his 1924 TT truck at the 2012 San Antonio Ford Model T show

A drawing of the 1924 TT, affectionately known as "Grave Digger" from its former use by a tomb stone installer, owned in part by Daniel Bratcher, TFOT president, made at the 2012 San Antonio Ford Model T show

Daniel Bratcher driving June Bratcher's 1924 Ford Model T Touring Car during the 2012 San Antonio Ford Model T show

Daniel Bratcher giving rides at the 2012 Antique Aircraft Fly-In at Kingsbury Aerodrome, October 2012

Daniel Bratcher giving rides during "Santa's Railroad Wonderland" at the Texas Transportation Museum in San Antonio where he is a board director, December 2012

Daniel Bratcher rummaging for usable Model T parts at a soon to be closed scrap yard in San Antonio, January 2013

Daniel Bratcher during the "On & Off Fredericksburg Road Art Gallery Tour, February 2013

Daniel Bratcher at TTM before this year's "San Antonio Ford Model T Show," March 2013

Daniel Bratcher during the 2013 TFOT Wilson Country tour

Daniel Bratcher during the 2013 TFOT Wilson Country tour

Daniel Bratcher during the 2013 TFOT tour of San Antonio's historic Missions

Daniel Bratcher during the 2014 Fredericks Road Art Gallery Tour

Daniel Bratcher and Vicky KIncaid at the 8th Annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show, March 2014

Daniel Bratcher giving rides in his 1926 Ford Model T during the 8th Annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show, March 2014

Daniel Bratcher and Austin T club president John Anderson during the 8th Annual San Antonio Ford Model T Show, March 2014

Daniel Bratcher adjusting "Old Blue," his 1926 Ford Model T touring car, during the T Fords of Texa" spring tour, April 2014

Daniel Bratcher with his 1926 Ford Model T at the 2014 Shriner Car Show

The littlest mechanic working on Daniel Bratcher's 1926 Ford Model T at the 2014 Shriner Car Show

Daniel Bratcher winning a prize for his 1926 Ford Model T at the 2014 Shriner Car Show

Daniel Bratcher and Gary Bethke in their 1924 Ford Model TT truck at the "Dare To Love" charity car show at Northside Ford, June 2014

Daniel Bratcher in his 1924 Ford Model TT truck at the "Dare To Love" charity car show at Northside Ford, June 2014

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T on a cruise of the New Braunfels area, August 2014

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T on a cruise of the New Braunfels area, August 2014

Daniel Bratcher and Tammy Mackechney in his 1926 Ford Model T during the 2014 Texas T Party, in San Angelo

Daniel Bratcher and Tammy Mackechney in his 1926 Ford Model T during the 2014 Texas T Party, in San Angelo

Daniel Bratcher and 1926 Ford Model T during the 2014 Canyon Lake cruise

Daniel Bratcher and 1926 Ford Model T giving Chinese tourists a T ride during the 2014 Canyon Lake cruise

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T with Vicky Kincaid during the Medina Lake tour, June 2015

Daniel Bratcher with his 1920 Ford Model T doctors' coupe during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Daniel Bratcher with Gary Bethke with their 1924 Ford Model TT truck during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Daniel Bratcher giving rides to the public in his 1926 Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Daniel Bratcher working on a friend's Ford Model T touring car during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde, October 2015

Daniel Bratcher with his 1926 Ford Model T runabout during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde, October 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde, October 2015

Daniel Bratcher working on a friend's Ford Model T runabout during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde, October 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout during the 2015 Texas T Party based in Uvalde, October 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout during his 2015 Texas coast tour based in Rockport, November 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout during his 2015 Texas coast tour based in Rockport, November 2015

Daniel Bratcher during his 2015 Texas coast tour based in Rockport, November 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout with Vicky Kincaid during his 2015 Texas coast tour based in Rockport, November 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout with Luke Cordes during the Canyon Lake tour, November 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout with Luke Cordes during the Canyon Lake tour, November 2015

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T runabout with Luke Cordes during the Canyon Lake tour, November 2015

Daniel Bratcher with his 1926 Ford Model T at a Christmas parade in Boerne, December 2015

Daniel Bratcher with his 1924 Ford Model TT truck at TT tour in Seguin, March 2016

Daniel Bratcher with Vicky Kincaid in his 1924 Ford Model TT truck at TT tour in Seguin, March 2016

Daniel Bratcher with his 1924 Ford Model TT truck at TT tour in Seguin, March 2016

Daniel Bratcher with Vicky Kincaid in his 1924 Ford Model TT truck at TT tour in Seguin, March 2016

Daniel Bratcher with drag strip employee Josh in his 1924 Ford Model TT truck at the San Antonio Raceway drag strip, March 2016. They were doing a live webcast that was seen by around 2,500 people

Daniel Bratcher with Vicky Kincaid in his 1924 Ford Model TT truck at the San Antonio Raceway drag strip, March 2016

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the Wilson County Tour which he led, April 2016

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the Wilson County Tour which he led, April 2016

Daniel Bratcher giving visitors a ride in his 1926 Ford Model T during the San Antonio Ford Model T Show, May 2016

Daniel Bratcher giving visitors a ride in his 1926 Ford Model T during the San Antonio Ford Model T Show, May 2016

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the Braunig Lake Tour, September 2016

Daniel Bratcher during the Braunig Lake Tour, September 2016

Daniel Bratcher qorking on Ronnie Bitterly's 1917 T engine, September 2016

Daniel Bratcher, on the right, with Mike Mackechney during a club tour, November 2016

Daniel Bratcher during a club drive, January 2017

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the 2017 Ford Model T Show

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the 2017 Missions Tour

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the Texas T Party, October 2017

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T in Luckenbach during the Texas T Party, October 2017

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T in Floresville, November 2017

Daniel Bratcher with his newly acquired 1929 Auburburn sedan, February 2018

Daniel Bratcher with Gary Bethke in Gary's 1923 Ford Model T during the Victoria Tour, March 2018

Daniel Bratcher giving rides to visitors in his 1926 Ford Model T during the 2018 Ford Model T Show

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T at Stinson Airport during the 2018 Mission Tour

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T at Stinson Airport during the 2018 Wine Tour, which he organized.

Daniel Bratcher with his 1926 Ford Model T during a visit to TFOT founder June Prade, November 2018

Daniel Bratcher giving rides in his 1926 Ford Model T during the 2019 San Antonio Ford Model T Show

Daniel Bratcher during the 2021 Rockport tour

Daniel Bratcher with his 1924 Ford Model TT during the San Antonio Ford MOdel T Show, May 2021

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the February 2022 Missions Tour

Daniel Bratcher in his 1926 Ford Model T during the February 2022 Missions Tour