Founded 1975
Published by the T Fords of Texas, San Antonio

San Antonio Missions Tour - 2016

Pictures by Denise McGee, Linda Quante and Hugh Hemphill

The "T Fords of Texas" were joined once again on this year's tour of San Antonio's historic missions by the "Alamo A's," San Antonio's Ford Model A club. It was another punishingly hot August day, 100 F by mid afternoon but everyone had a good time anyway ! At its peak, there were 9 Model Ts and 6 Modela As on the tour.

San Antonio Missions Tour 2016.
5 Model Ts lined up at The Texas Transportation Museum on the north part of the city before heading out to Mission Espada on the south side, August 2016
2 Model Ts at Mission Espada, August 2016
3 Model As at Mission Espada, August 2016
2 Model Ts and a Model A at Mission San Juan, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As at Mission San Juan, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As at Mission San Juan, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As between Mission San Juan and Mission San Jose, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As at Mission San Jose, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As at Mission San Jose, August 2016
Hugh Hemphill, San Antonio T club president and Robert Norberg, president of the Austin T club at Mission San Jose, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As at Mission Concepcion, August 2016
Model T at Mission Concepcion, August 2016
Model A at Mission Concepcion, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As at Mission Concepcion, August 2016
Model Ts and Model As headin into downtown San Antonio during the 2016 Missions Tour
Model Ts and Model As heading into downtown San Antonio during the 2016 Missions Tour
Model Ts heading into downtown San Antonio during the 2016 Missions Tour
A Model T and a Model A arriving at Luby's during the 2016 Missions Tour
Model Ts and Model As at Luby's during the 2016 Missions Tour
Model Ts and Model As at Luby's during the 2016 Missions Tour


Front Page

Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D

Published by the T Fords of Texas, San Antonio's Ford Model T Club